First visit

We look forward to discovering the cause of your health conditions and providing the most advanced chiropractic care for you and your family. We will gather information to gain an understanding of your condition. You will receive a thorough examination consisting of chiropractic tests and X-ray to evaluate the extent of your condition and to determine if the complaint may respond to chiropractic care.



First on arrival, our staff will give you new patient forms to fill out. Once all the paperwork is finished you will meet with the doctor for a consultation. During your consultation the doctor will get your complete health history to better understand your problem and current health status.

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The doctor will then perform the necessary chiropractic, orthopedic, and neurological exams for your case.



X-rays are primarily used to come up with a listing of a specific vertebral subluxation so that the doctor knows exactly how to properly put a misaligned joint or vertebra back into it’s proper position to re-establish improved nerve function. The doctor may also see any pathologies or recent fractures that may be present or contributing to the patient’s condition.